Orte filtern
the spring equinox
Ballon d'Alsace

At the spring equinox, if we observe it from the Ballon d’Alsace, the sun rises behind the Black Forest Belchen 70 km away

Anfang Mai / Beltene
Ballon d'Alsace
About 40 days after the spring equinox, beginning of the Celtic summer half-year, the sun rises in the east-northeast behind the summit of the Grand Ballon.
21.6 summer solstice
Ballon d'Alsace

At the summer solstice, the sun rises in the northeast above the Markstein, in the direction of the Petit Ballon

Anfang August / Lugnasad
Ballon d'Alsace
About 40 days after the summer solstice, the sun rises in the east-northeast, behind the summit of the Grand Ballon.
22.9. the autumn equinox
Ballon d'Alsace

At the autumnal equinox, if we observe it from the Ballon d’Alsace, the sun rises behind the summit of Schwarzwaldbelchen 70 km away.

Anfang November / Samhain
Ballon d'Alsace

About 40 days after the autumn equinox, beginning of the Celtic winter half-year. The three Celtic settlements Britzgyberg, Basel-Gasfabrik and Augusta Raurica are on the line of the sunrise.

21.12. Winter solstice
Ballon d'Alsace

The sun rises in the southeast behind the Tödi in the Glarus Alps, in between lies the Jura Belchen

Anfang Februar / Imbolc
Ballon d'Alsace
About 40 days after the winter solstice, middle of the Celtic winter half-year. The sun rises in east-southeast. The three Celtic settlements Britzgyberg, Basel-Gasfabrik and Augusta Raurica are on the line of the sunrise.

Mythical Places

The country on the Upper Rhine is the Regio Trirhena, the Belchenland or the Dreiland. The inhabitants live in a wonderful landscape, varied and diverse. On both sides of the Rhine are embedded numerous places that have attracted people for many 100 or even 1000 years. These places are often characterized by their particularly beautiful location in nature, some have an ancient history, all have a very special charisma. Stories and legends often entwine themselves around such places. Folk customs have a long tradition here. Many forgotten things have been rediscovered and revived, other customs have evolved over the centuries from pagan cults to Christian rites.


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Mythische Orte am Oberrhein, Band 1 & 2


Edith Schweizer-Völker & Martin Schulte-Kellinghaus
Christoph Merian Verlag

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BAND 1 – Vierzig Ausflüge
236 Seiten, 116 Farbabbildungen,
Klappenbroschur, 14 x 22 cm
Dritte, aktualisierte Auflage
CHF 34.– / EUR 29,–
ISBN 978-3-85616-568-0

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BAND 2 – Vierzig neue Ausflüge
240 Seiten, 160 Farbabbildungen,
Klappenbroschur, 14 x 22 cm
CHF 34.– / EUR 29,–
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